Call For Paper 

  • Cooperative Networking
    Cross-layer Optimization and Control
    Delay Tolerant Networks
    Optical Networks
    Router and Switch Design
    Routing & Multicast
    Smart Antenna Based Networking
    Wireless LAN, Ad Hoc, and Mesh Networks
    Cellular, Broadcasting, WSN, and WLAN Technologies Coexistence Solutions
    Internet Computing: Models, Architectures, and Platforms
    Next Generation Internet and Services
    Smart Cities
    Mobile Cloud Infrastructure and Service Models
    Internet Based Service Systems in Next Generation of Internet
    Audio/Video Systems
    Image Processing
    VR/AR/MR and Metaverse
    Entertainment and Gaming
    Networked Consumer Electronics
    Multimedia and Real-Time Networking
    Multimodal/Multisensory Communications and Applications
    Network Economics and Pricing
    Network Management
    Network Measurement and Analysis
    QoS Measurement and Control
    Green Networks and Sustainable Computing
    Grid, Cloud, Internet and Peer-to-peer Computing and Communication
    Data Centers and Big Data Computing