Call For Paper 

  • Amino acid sequencing
    Biochemical, cellular, molecular and tissue engineering
    Bioelectrical and neural engineering
    Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
    Biological data integration and visualization
    Biological data mining and knowledge discovery
    Biological databases and information retrieval
    Biomaterials and biomedical optics
    Biomedical devices, sensors, and artificial organs
    Biomedical Engineering
    Biomedical imaging, image processing & visualization
    Biomedical robotics and mechanics
    Biometric and bio-measurement
    Bio-ontologies + semantics
    Bio-signal processing and analysis
    Biostatistics and Stochastic Models
    Cancer informatics
    Combinatorics and bioinformatics
    Comparative genomics
    Computational drug discovery
    Computational evolutionary biology
    Computational Molecular Systems
    Computational proteomics
    Computational Systems Biology
    Computer-based medical systems
    Data acquisition, normalization, analysis and visua