Call For Paper 

  • Acarology
    Agricultural and Forest Entomology
    Agricultural entomology
    Apidology, Sericulture and Social Insects
    Arthropod Vectors of Animal and Plant Disease
    Biodiversity, Biogeography and Conservation of Arthropods
    Bioinformatics, and Comparative Genomics of Arthropods
    Biological Control and Insect Pathology
    Ecology and Population Dynamics
    Ecology of Pesticides, Resistance, Toxicology and Genetically Modified Crops
    Entomological Effects of Global Warming in Agriculture and Medical Entomology
    Entomology Around the World
    Entomophagy, and Entomology in Popular Culture
    Forest entomology
    Frontiers in Entomology
    Functional Genomics and Transgenesis
    Genetically modified organisms
    Genetics and Evolutionary Entomology
    Insect Biomechanics and Insect-Inspired Robotics
    Insect Chemical Ecology
    Insect genetics
    Insect Immunology