Conference Format 

Slide Presentation:

Each presenter will be expected to have the presentation slides in Microsoft Power Point saved in USB. Each presentation should not take more than 20 minutes including question time.

The following resources will be available for presentations: laptops, projectors and screens

Poster Presentation

You may wish to consider a poster presentation as opposed to the traditional oral presentation because posters allow you more time to present to a much larger audience base.

  • Each poster session author will be provided with a 4' x 4' poster board area and mounting pins. The board will indicate the poster number in upper right or left corner. Authors are responsible for mounting their posters the morning of their presentation and removing them as soon as the session ends. Posters left up past that time will be discarded.
  • All illustrations, charts, etc., to be posted should be prepared in advance as materials for these purposes will not be available at the meeting site. ASAR will provide a reasonable supply of push pins, but we suggest authors provide their own if possible.
  • Each poster must include text in a large enough font (~20 point font) to be read easily by attendees from a distance of 4 to 5 feet or more. Lettering on illustrations should be large and legible. Photographs should be a minimum of 5 x 7 inches. Material should be displayed in logical sequence (introduction, development, conclusion) and each sheet should be numbered.
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Virtual Presentation (Video Conferencing)

We understand that some presenters will not be able to make the trip to London to present their research paper or work in progress, due to financial and/or political restrictions on travel. The has instituted a virtual presentation system to allow the authors of accepted papers the same publication opportunities as regular presenters. A research works submitted without the participant attending the conference in person, but presented via video conferencing are refereed and published (if accepted) in the conference proceedings.