International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Wireless Optical Communications (ICICWOC-25)
 5th - 6th March 2025  Madrid, Spain
Evolutionary Computing and Learning Genetic Algorithms Particle Swarm Optimization and Niche Technology Swarm Intelligence and Optimization Independent Component Analysis Natural Computing Quantum Computing Neural Networks Nature Inspired Computing and Optimization Rough Sets Fuzzy Theory and Algorithms Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing Supervised Learning Unsupervised Learning Reinforcement Learning Kernel Methods and Supporting Vector Machines Machine Learning Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics Intelligent Computing in Robotics Intelligent Computing in Computer Vision Intelligent Computing in Finance/Banking Intelligent Computing in Communication Networks Intelligent Control and Automation Intelligent Image/Document Retrievals Intelligent Data Fusion Intelligent Data Analysis & Prediction Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Communication and Information Theory Computer and Network Security Cross-Layer Optimized Wireless Networks MIMO Systems Mobile Computing Multimedia over Wireless Next Generation Mobile Networks WiMAX/WiBro Services and QoS Management Wireless LANs and Wireless PANs Wireless Sensor Networks Mobility and its Applications Cooperative and Cognitive Networks Autonomic Wireless Networking Emergency Management: Communication and Computing Platforms Planning and Optimization of Wireless Communication Networks Vehicular Communication Technology Optical Networking Technologies Optical Switching and Network Elements Optical Transmission Technologies Analog signal Digital signal Analog to digital conversion Signal preprocessing Signal modulation and demodulation Signal filtering and denoising Signal time-frequency analysis Wavelet transform and method Signal Acquisition Speech recognition and processing Radar signal analysis Biosignal assisted analysis Blind Source Separation Compressed Sensing and Sparse Coding