15th - 16th September 2025  Frankfurt, Germany
Advanced Computational Techniques and Computer Simulations Advanced Controls Advanced recycle technologies Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Systems Bio-fuels & food scarcity Biofuels sustainability City planning Clean Transportation Fuels Combined and Co-generation Energy Systems Community participation in environmental issues Deregulation of electric supply industry Development of methods for the analysis and evaluation of complex system Development of models of energy, water and environment systems Distributed power generation Ecosystems analysis, protection and remediation Education in Sustainable Development Energy Analysis Energy and Environmental Issues Energy and Sustainable Development Energy Conservation Energy Conversion and Management Energy economics, engineering and education Energy efficient appliances Energy Policy and Planning Energy resources Energy Storage Energy, gender & environment Environmental economics Environmental impact assessment Environmental legislation and policy Environmental management Forecasting Fossil fuel resources and management Fuels and Alternatives Geo-informatics Green Building Hybrid vehicles sustainability Hydrogen as fuel Hydrogen fuel & Emerging Energy Technologies Hydrogen strategy and sustainable development Indicators of sustainability Integrated territorial and environmental risk analysis Issues and Opportunities for Coal in Developing Countries Manufacturing and Services Marine environment Material Design and Analysis Plant Integrity Policy and Planning Politics and sustainability Power and energy systems Regional planning Renewable Energy and Emerging Energy Technology Renewable Energy Technologies Resources management Rural development Social and cultural issues Solid waste management Sustainability science Sustainable development in agriculture Sustainable development in developing countries Thermodynamic Optimization and Exergy Analysis Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics Transportation Urban landscapes Waste management Waste to energy, emissions and its control Waste water treatment